Πλ. Εσπερίδων 3, 2ος ‘Οροφος, Γλυφάδα

I have Acne! How can I deal with it?

This is a question that troubles a large part of our youth. Do I have acne? If yes, what should I do?

Truth is that it’s not wrongly called the “life long battle”. Indeed, it’s a battle that the adolescent (but not just the adolescent), has to fight for years on end! This happens because of the wrong guidelines or trends, a fact that troubles the consumer.

We are ending acne today, though! By the end you finish reading these lines, I assure you that you will not have any doubts. However, even if you do, we are here to solve them!

You surely have spotted a small spot of fat on your skin pores. We call this sebum and it can be either white or black. This happens, because, when it’s exposed to the air, it gets oxidized and blackens, becoming more visible and disturbing for us! This black spot is called blackhead and it can be found in body areas where the sebaceous gland are more productive and this, luckily, is not enough to cause acne by itself.

In order for acne to appear, the three following factors must apply:

  • Accumulated dead skin cells
  • Coexistence of bacteria (specifically the acne propionic bacterium)
  • Hyperseborrhea

How can I fight off acne?

In order to get results in a skin with acne, it’s not enough to just reduce sebum production because this alone, doesn’t cause acne. As our favorite dermatologist, Dr. Howard Murad says, we must also administer ingredients and products with anti-bacterial effect in order to kill off bacteria, as well as peeling factors for the timely dead cell removal, accumulated on the surface. The spearhead, though, is the deep facial cleansing, whose frequency is defined by the Skin Expert assigned to you.

And now the million dollar question…

Is deep cleansing good for your skin?

To find the answer, you will need to read our next article!

Stay tuned!